#MakeHomelessnessAnElection Issue
The Simon Communities of Ireland believe that significant progress can be made in the lifetime of the next Government on the issue of homelessness.
This can only be achieved if homelessness is a political priority and reflected as such in the next Programme for Government.
In the coming weeks general election candidates will be calling to your door asking for support. Let’s let them know that homelessness is a priority!
The Simon Communities of Ireland have designed an election leaflet with questions you can ask candidates who call to your door which will allow you to assess how serious they and their party are about addressing homelessness.
Find out more and get involved by clicking the link below!
Simon Communities of Ireland Manifesto
Our General Election Manifesto outlines our proposals for the next Government under three pillars:
- Supporting Exits Out of Homelessness
- Actions to Prevent Homelessness
- Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness