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Your Local Simon Community

For assistance from your local Simon Community with a housing or homelessness issue, or to make a local donation, find the list of their websites below. National policy, advocacy, and media information can be found on the Simon Communities of Ireland website.

Corporate Governance


The Simon Communities of Ireland is a company limited by guarantee, not having a share capital. The organisation has a Memorandum and Articles of Association. The Community is owned by its members who elect a voluntary Board of Directors from among the membership. The directors are volunteers to the Simon Communities of Ireland. The Head of National Office reports directly to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors has put in place a Governance Policy Manual, and have signed up to the Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland. The Simon Communities of Ireland adheres to the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and is registered with Charities Regulator. The annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 and FRS 102.

The Simon Communities of Ireland is committed to openness and transparency both within the organisation and externally with donors, funders, supporters and the public.


We work to ensure all of the money raised is spent as efficiently and as effectively as possible. We tightly manage our operating costs; reducing our overheads where possible, and we strive to give the best possible value for money. We do not pay any salary top ups or pension top ups. We do not provide bonuses or any other perks or entitlements. You can read full details of our financial accounts in our published accounts below.

The Simon Communities of Ireland annual accounts are independently audited by JPA Brenson Lawlor each year.