Our Network of Communities

The Simon Communities of Ireland are a network of independent communities working across Ireland to respond to local needs in the areas of homelessness prevention, emergency accommodation, health and wellbeing services and moving on from homelessness.

The independent communities share a set of common values and ethos in seeking to end homelessness in Ireland. The grassroots work of each community means that we provide the services people actually need, in a non-judgmental, holistic and empowering way. Our communities work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, designing solutions with, rather than for, our clients. 

In 2021, local Simon Communities worked with a total of 22,280 people, including 2,140 families. Whatever the issue, Simon’s door is always open as long as we are needed. 

The network of Simon Communities across Ireland provide a range of services to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness, including:

  • Homelessness prevention, tenancy sustainment and resettlement.
  • Street outreach, emergency accommodation and harm reduction.
  • Housing with support and Housing First services.
  • Homeless specific health and well-being services (counselling, addiction treatment & recovery, and mental health supports).
  • Personal development, education, training and employment services.
  • Food-banks, drop-in centres and soup runs.