Submission on the National Action Plan Child Guarantee
Simon Communities of Ireland Submission on the National Action Plan Child Guarantee
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Simon Communities of Ireland Submission on the National Action Plan Child Guarantee
Simon Communities of Ireland Submission to the Joint Committee on Housing Local Government and Heritage.
The Simon Communities of Ireland prepared this submission for discussion as part of the National
The Simon Community developed this submission both for the public consultation on the national Youth
Introduction The Public Consultation on what recommendations the Low Pay Commission should make to Government
Introduction. The Simon Community of Ireland welcome the opportunity afforded by the department to take
Introduction Homelessness prevention is the term used to describe policy measures which help people avoid
Introduction. The legacy of the 2008 financial and property crash in Ireland is still being
Introduction. The Simon Communities support over 16,700 men, women and children. We have 50 years
Introduction. The Simon Communities support over 16,700 men, women and children. We have 50 years