Simon Communities Analysis of Budget 2014
Introduction The Simon Communities in our Pre Budget Submission called for action on three fronts
Simon Communities in Ireland Pre-Budget Submission 2014
Introduction The Government has committed to ending long term homelessness by 2016 using a housing
Annual Report 2012
In 2012 the Simon Communities experienced another challenging year. During this period of rising demand
Submission on Review of Maximum Rent Limits.
Introduction. The Irish rental market has seen a change since 2011, with rents beginning to
Simon Communities in Ireland Pre-Budget Submission 2013
Context The prolonged economic crisis means more people are at risk of homelessness, more people
Annual Report 2011
THE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH Simon operates has many challenges and no more so than in
Review of Maximum Rent Limits.
Introduction The Irish rental market has seen a change since 2011, with rents beginning to
Submission to the Homeless Strategy Review.
Introduction. The Simon Communities welcome the opportunity to contribute to the review of the Homeless
Annual Report 2010
The environment in which Simon operates has provided many challenges in recent times with a
Simon’s National Health Snapshot Study 2011
Introduction The Simon Communities throughout Ireland provide the best possible care, accommodation and support for