Health and Homelessness.
Introduction The majority of people who are homeless experience more health problems than the general
Annual Report 2009
This year, as with last, we continued in our work towards the realisation of our
Submission on Housing Needs Assessment Response, April 2010
Introduction The Simon Communities of Ireland is an affiliation of local Communities in Cork, Dublin,
Simon Communities of Ireland Pre-Budget 2010 Submission.
Simon – the homelessness charity The Simon Communities of Ireland is an affiliation of local
Presentation to Oireachtas Committee November 2009
Simon Communities of Ireland very much welcomes the opportunity to meet with this Committee today
Dail Committee on Social and Family.
Introduction Simon Communities of Ireland very much welcomes the opportunity to meet with this Committee
Annual Report 2008
2008 marked the completion of the first year of CRH’s partnership with the Simon Communities
Submission to the ‘Supplementary Budget 2009’ from the Simon Communities of Ireland
Introduction The Simon Communities of Ireland is an affiliation of local Communities in Cork, Dublin,
Annual Report 2007
This annual review demonstrates the broad spectrum of services and solutions working effectively across the
Simon Submission to the Garda Siochana Policing Plan 2008.
Introduction. The Simon Communities of Ireland is a national organisation representing Simon Communities in Cork,