Submission to Irish Human Rights Commission on making Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Effective.
Introduction The Simon Communities of Ireland is the federation of eight Communities in Cork, Dublin,
Submission to National Economic and Social Forum on Improving Public Services.
Introduction Homelessness in Ireland is not inevitable. We believe that homelessness in Ireland can be
Annual Report 2004
Ending Homelessness is the Simon Communities primary goal. Much progress has been made towards meeting
Submission to Expert Group on Mental Health Policy.
Introduction. The Simon Communities of Ireland is the federation of six communities in Cork Dublin,
Submission on Charter of Rights for Island of Ireland.
Introduction. The establishment of a Charter of Rights offers the opportunity for the governments on
The All Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution
Introduction The Simon Communities of Ireland welcome this opportunity to make a submission to the
Submission on National Action Plan for Social Inclusion.
Introduction Ireland’s housing policies are typically presented as designed to supplement market forces and deliver
Submission to Department of Health on Health Service Review.
Introduction. The Simon Community is a caring and campaigning movement that has been working alongside