Locked Out of the Market December 2021, The Gap Between HAP Limits and Market Rents.
Locked Out of the Market is a snapshot study1 undertaken every quarter over three consecutive
Submission on Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Introduction. The legacy of the 2008 financial and property crash in Ireland is still being
Locked Out Of The Market, November 2020
Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic, and related restrictions initially brought about substantially increased supply in the
Locked Out of the Market November 2020, The Gap Between HAP Limits and Market Rents.
Introduction. Locked Out of the Market is a snapshot study1 undertaken over three consecutive days
Submission on the Statement of Strategy for the Department of Social Protection.
Introduction. The Simon Communities support over 16,700 men, women and children. We have 50 years
Submission on the Statement of Strategy for the Department of Housing.
Introduction. The Simon Communities support over 16,700 men, women and children. We have 50 years
Locked Out Of The Market, August 2020
Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic, and related restrictions have brought about substantial change in the Irish
Locked Out of the Market July 2020, The Gap Between HAP Limits and Market Rents.
Introduction Locked Out of the Market is a snapshot study1 undertaken over three consecutive days
Annual Report 2019
The Simon Communities support over 18,000 men, women and children. We have 50 years of
Locked Out of the Market- A Comparative Study of Availability of Private Rental Accommodation within Housing Assistant Payment (HAP) limits in Irish Cities post Covid-19 Measures
Introduction. This snapshot study intends to capture whether the outbreak of Covid-19 and the accompanying